#03: Fungi Frequencies

A new study on microdosing, ghost mushrooms, and artist, Abi.Toads

Hi there 🍄 

This week’s highlights include a new study on microdosing and a gorgeous trip into the Patagonian fjords in search of fungi.

“Today you are You, that is truer than true.”

“There’s no one alive who is Youer than You.” Dr. Seuss had it right in Happy Birthday to You, even if it’s hard to feel like yourself sometimes. Microdosing might help. A new study published in Nordic Studies on Alcohol and Drugs Online revealed that microdosing could be associated with a higher sense of authenticity, or feeling comfortably like one’s true self. The study indicated a significant increase in a state of authenticity on the day of microdosing and the day following. In addition, on microdose days, participants reported increased activities (i.e., cleaning, meditation, yoga, spending time in nature, and socializing) with greater satisfaction and interest in these activities.

A walk down Ghost Mushroom Lane

Ghost mushrooms cast an otherworldly glow. They’re bioluminescent, which means they produce their own mesmerizing light with luciferin, the same compound other plants and animals use. They might seem tempting with their oyster mushroom looks, but these glowing beauties are poisonous. They’re not great for cultivating, so the best way to see them is to take a walk down Ghost Mushroom Lane in Southern Australia. The seasonal natural treasure is open from May to June and should be on every shroomer’s bucket list.

Around the web

  • Travel into the Patagonian fjords in 10 Days in the Forest by Mateo Marrenengoa. The short film follows Giuliana Furci of the Fungi Foundation and Jean-Marc Moncalvo of the University of Toronto through the cold, wet forest in search of fungi. The serene nature shots and the emotive score make this an introspective, soothing watch.

  • The National Audubon Society released a new version of Mushrooms of North America, and the reviews are in: it’s way better than the 1981 edition. The new guide is heavily based on identification, though, and some reviewers aren’t happy about the fact that the book doesn’t include edible information.

  • MycoWorks, known for its breakthroughs in material made with mycelium, is celebrating 10 years with the launch of three new Reishi products. Leather raw materials comprise a $150 billion market today, and CEO Matt Scullin wants to shift the tide to fungi.

Abi.Toads’ Mushlings just make you feel good. You can find illustrations, a gorgeous woven blanket, and even a shoe charm pack on this Mushling Mama’s Etsy store. I can’t wait to play Mycelium: A Mushling Game that she successfully funded on Kickstarter last winter, and in six hours, no less! Players compete with up to three Mushling Colonies to be the first to gather all 10 Nutrients and return them to their colony. Pure delight!

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